2011年9月1日 星期四

110902 大廟的古物

The DingGiao(sedan with needles on the buttock and bilateral forearm are appears on the old style festivals
釘轎 在兩側前臂 座處 釘有釘子 廟會活動時 乩童坐於其上 由信眾抬之 遶境遊行)

釘轎背部也有神釘 用紅線綑之 成特殊圖案 另刻有主祀神的名號
On the back , there are  metal needles, too.There are sculptures as main gods' holy name as " Tsoying-- left to rigt--God of Agriculture, God of Pole, Matsu . The sedan is almost neglectas the time passing.....